Mui x charts pro React ChartsText 组件的 API 参考文档。了解此导出模块的 props、CSS 和其他 API。 演示 用於為額外資訊 (例如 x 軸和 y 軸或圖例) 保留一些空間。 接受具有可選屬性的物件: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange Edit the code to make changes and see it instantly in the preview Explore this online mui/mui-x: x-charts sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. It might break interactive features, but will improve performance. import {HeatmapPlot } from '@mui/x-charts-pro/Heatmap'; // or import {HeatmapPlot } from '@mui/x-charts-pro'; Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size . The components provide a high level of customization, with beautiful defaults as well as extensive configuration props and flexible composition options. Aug 1, 2024 · Changes to the Pro plan Current pricing. The @mui/x-charts is an MIT library for rendering charts relying on D3. Styling. 名称 类型 默认 描述; slotProps: 对象 {} 用于每个组件插槽的 props。 slots: 对象 {} 可覆盖的组件插槽。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅下面的 Slots API。 它用於為額外資訊(例如 x 和 y 軸或圖例)保留一些空間。 接受具有選擇性屬性的物件: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more! - mui/mui-x Charts. Basics. tickInterval 'auto' | array | func 'auto' Defines which ticks are displayed. See CSS classes API below for more details. This axis might have scaleType='band' and its data should have the same length as your series. This guide describes the changes needed to migrate Charts from v7 to v8. This can be useful in some scenarios where the chart appear to grow after the first render, like when used inside a grid API reference docs for the React AnimatedArea component. js project: Documentation. Migration + What's new in MUI X. 'linear', 'log', 'sqrt': Map numerical values to the space available for the chart. We roll bug fixes, performance enhancements, and other improvements into new releases, so as we introduce MUI X v7, MUI X v6 now is officially in Long-Term Support (LTS). Using your favorite package manager, install @mui/x-charts-pro for the commercial version, or @mui/x-charts for the free community version. Introduction. API reference docs for the React BarChartPro component. Sparkline charts can provide an overview of data trends. Edit the code to make changes and see it instantly in the preview Explore this online mui/mui-x: x-charts sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. 24. Highlighting data offers quick visual feedback for chart users. May 15, 2014 · The community edition of the Charts components (MUI X). The Data Grid Pro comes with multi-filtering, multi-sorting, column resizing, and column pinning; you also gain access to the Date and Time Range Picker components, advanced Charts, and drag-and-drop reordering for the Tree View. disableAxisListener: bool: false: If true, the charts will not listen to the mouse move event. There are 70 other projects in the npm registry using @mui/x-charts. Find @mui/x Charts Pro Examples and Templates Use this online @mui/x-charts-pro playground to view and fork @mui/x-charts-pro example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. Discover all the latest new features and other highlights. lineStyle: object-The style applied to the line. Start using @mui/x-charts-pro in your project by running `npm i @mui/x-charts-pro`. The Heatmap requires two axes with data properties. It's part of MUI X, an open-core extension of MUI Core, with advanced components. 名称 类型 默认值 描述; axisId: 数字 | 字符串-要渲染的轴的 ID。如果未定义,它将是第一个定义的轴。 classes: 对象-覆盖或扩展应用于组件的样式。 Edit the code to make changes and see it instantly in the preview Explore this online mui/mui-x: x-charts sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. Latest version: 7. MUI X Charts is a library of production-ready components for rendering charts with React. resolveSizeBeforeRender: bool: false: 图表将在第一次渲染之前尝试等待父容器解析其大小。 这在某些情况下可能很有用,例如在网格内使用时,图表在第一次渲染后会显示增长。 The chart will try to wait for the parent container to resolve its size before it renders for the first time. Visit the Axis page for more details. React BarPlot 元件的 API 參考文件。瞭解這個匯出模組的 props、CSS 和其他 API。 範例 Edit the code to make changes and see it instantly in the preview Explore this online mui/mui-x: x-charts sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. endAngle: number: 360: The end angle (deg). Giving fewer customization options, but saving around 40ms per 1. MUI X Pro. object Depends on the charts type. import {DefaultHeatmapTooltip } from '@mui/x-charts-pro/Heatmap'; // or import {DefaultHeatmapTooltip } from '@mui/x-charts-pro'; Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size . API reference docs for the React DefaultChartsLegend component. MUI X Charts follows the Material UI styling and features all of the customization tools you'd find there, making tweaking charts as straightforward as designing buttons. MUI X Data Grid You can also use both slots and slotProps on the same component: < DatePicker slots = {{openPickerIcon: FlightTakeoffIcon }} slotProps = {{openPickerIcon: {color Jan 17, 2025 · MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more! - Release v7. MUI X. This is intended to make it easier for you and your team to know if the right number of developers are licensed. MUI X vs. Accepts an object with the optional properties: top, bottom, left, and right. Performant advanced components. Bar charts series should contain a data property containing an array of values. Each component provides best-in-class UX and DX, with sophisticated UX workflows for data-rich applications. It uses D3. API reference docs for the React ChartsText component. Install the package in your project directory with: npm install @mui/x-charts-pro. - a filtering function of the form (value, index) => boolean which is available only if the axis has "point" scale. API reference docs for the React Scatter component. New. API reference docs for the React DefaultChartsAxisTooltipContent component. spacing: number | { x?: number, y?: number } 5: Additional space around the label in px. You can highlight data based on mouse position. Start using @mui/x-charts in your project by running `npm i @mui/x-charts`. showHighlight: bool: false: Set to true to highlight the value. Zooming is possible on the Pro versions of the charts: <LineChartPro />, <BarChartPro />, <ScatterChartPro />. Highlighting Highlighting axis. Tree View. innerRadius: number | string '80%' API reference docs for the React BarPlot component. @mui/x-data-grid-premium; Support If an item is editable, the editing state can be toggled by double clicking on it, or by pressing Enter on the keyboard when the item is in focus. The MUI X Tree View follows the WAI-ARIA authoring practices for a tree view. Don't hesitate to leave a comment there to influence what gets built. Can be a number or an object { x, y } to distinguish space with the reference line and space with By default, the grid exports all the models. This concept was introduced in the very beginning of the MUI X offering (2021) when we offered only the Data Grid Pro with a small feature 名稱 類型 預設值 描述; axisId: number | string-要呈現的座標軸 ID。如果未定義,則會是第一個定義的座標軸。 classes: object ChartsText API. 000 marks. API reference docs for the React LinePlot component. To plot a pie chart, a series must have a data property containing an array of objects. And it can be controlled by the user or synchronized across multiple charts. 'point': Split the axis in equally spaced points. The chart will try to wait for the parent container to resolve its size before it renders for the first time. Most of MUI X's components are available for free, but more advanced features require a Pro or Premium commercial resolveSizeBeforeRender: bool: false: 图表将尝试等待父容器解析其大小,然后再第一次渲染。 这在某些情况下非常有用,例如在网格内部使用时,图表在第一次渲染后会出现增长。 API reference docs for the React ChartsVoronoiHandler component. Core. 使用您喜欢的包管理器,安装商业版本的 @mui/x-charts-pro 或免费社区版本的 @mui/x-charts。 resolveSizeBeforeRender: bool: false: 图表将尝试等待父容器解析其大小,然后才第一次渲染。 在某些情况下,这很有用,例如在网格内部使用时,图表在第一次渲染后看起来会变大。 API reference docs for the React AnimatedLine component. Click any example below to run it instantly or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution! Charts - Highlighting. The Heatmap Chart component isn't available yet, but you can upvote this GitHub issue to see it arrive sooner. @mui/x-date-pickers; @mui/x-charts; Pro Plan. 27. Migration + @mui/x-date-pickers for the free community version or @mui/x-date-pickers-pro for the commercial version. - an array containing the values where ticks should be displayed. resolveSizeBeforeRender: bool: false: The chart will try to wait for the parent container to resolve its size before it renders for the first time. The series to display in the bar chart. Props resolveSizeBeforeRender: bool: false: 图表将尝试等待父容器解析其大小,然后再首次渲染。 这在某些情况下很有用,例如当在网格内部使用时,图表在首次渲染后似乎会增长。 If true, the charts will not listen to the mouse move event. Once an item is in editing state, the value of the label can be edited. The id of the axis item with the color configuration to represent. API. The alignment if the label is in the chart drawing area. Charts - Zooming and panning . 它用於為額外資訊(例如 x 軸和 y 軸或圖例)保留一些空間。 接受具有可選屬性的物件: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange API reference docs for the React ChartsTooltipContainer component. 12. This is a reference guide for upgrading @mui/x-charts from v7 to v8. . API reference docs for the React ChartsGrid component. Otherwise, it might be interesting to order them according to their properties. 它用於為額外資訊(例如 x 軸和 y 軸或圖例)保留一些空間。 接受具有可選屬性的物件: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange The Gantt Chart component isn't available yet, but you can upvote this GitHub issue to see it arrive sooner. 'time', 'utc': Map JavaScript Date() object to the space available for the chart. Under the current pricing model, you only purchase a license for the first 10 developers. 它用于为诸如 x 轴和 y 轴或图例之类的额外信息留出一些空间。 接受具有可选属性的对象: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange 名称 类型 默认值 描述; bottomAxis: object | string: xAxisIds[0] 第一个提供的轴的 ID: 指示要在图表底部显示的轴。可以是字符串(轴的 ID)或对象 ChartsXAxisProps。 MUI X provides React components that extend MUI Core (or more specifically, Material UI). See the licensing page for complete details. 1, last published: 5 days ago. If you know the data you are displaying, you can use 'none' which respects the order you defined the series in. This new package introduces two main features: This new package introduces two main features: The Heatmap component ChartsYAxis API. Basic usage. MUI X Premium unlocks the most advanced features of the Data Grid, including row grouping and Excel exporting, as well as everything offered in the Pro plan. Aug 9, 2024 · 🚀 The @mui/x-charts-pro is released in alpha version 🧪. This new package introduces two main features: The Heatmap component; The zoom interaction on the bar, line, and scatter charts; 🌍 Improve Dutch (nl-NL) locale on the Date and Time Pickers; 🐞 Bugfixes; Data Grid @mui/x-data-grid@7. rightAxis: object | string: null: Indicate which axis to display the right of the charts. Peer dependencies. js for data manipulation and SVG for rendering. id: string: auto-generated id: A unique @mui/x-charts-pro; @mui/x-tree-view-pro; Premium plan. The scatter charts use by priority: The z-axis color; The y-axis color; The x-axis color; The series color 用於為額外資訊(例如 x 軸和 y 軸或圖例)保留一些空間。 接受具有可選屬性的物件: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 outerRadius resolveSizeBeforeRender: bool: false: 圖表將嘗試等待父容器解析其大小,然後再第一次呈現。 這在某些情況下可能很有用,例如在網格內使用時,圖表會在第一次呈現後看起來會變大。 ChartsAxis API. The component includes many built-in accessibility features, but it's the developer's responsibilty to provide the component with a descriptive aria-labelledbyor aria-label tag—otherwise, screen readers will announce it as "tree," making it difficult for the end user to understand the purpose of the 它用于为额外信息(例如 x 和 y 轴或图例)留出一些空间。 接受一个具有可选属性的对象: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange Feb 27, 2025 · Charts. The Premium version is available under a commercial license—visit the Pricing page for details. 您可以使用以下自定义选项之一覆盖组件的样式. Get started with the MUI X Charts components. Components include the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and Tree View. React BarPlot 组件的 API 参考文档。了解这个导出模块的属性、CSS 和其他 API。 演示 Our pricing model requires all developers working on a project using MUI X Pro or Premium to be licensed. Line Chart; Gradient Chart; Area Chart; Candlestick Chart; Column Chart; Doughtnut Chart; Radialbar Chart; Documentation. onHighlightChange: func-The callback fired when the highlighted item changes. 它用于为额外信息(如 x 轴和 y 轴或图例)留出一些空间。 接受具有可选属性的对象: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange API reference docs for the React ScatterPlot component. Its value can be: - 'auto' In such case the ticks are computed based on axis scale and other parameters. See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here. getColor: *: func: Get the color of the item with index dataIndex. This package is the community edition of the chart components. This means only critical bug fixes and security updates will be patched to MUI X v6. Heatmap charts visually represents data with color variations to highlight patterns and trends across two dimensions. Charts - Pie. 19. Bar charts express quantities through a bar's length, using a common baseline. Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more! If true, the charts will not listen to the mouse move event. To enable zooming and panning, set the zoom prop to true on the wanted axis. Those data defined the x and y categories. Charts - Treemap 🚧 Treemap allows to display data with a hierarchical structure. Installation. MUI X components have a peer dependency on @mui/material: the installation Migration from v7 to v8. Documentation for the Vite project: Documentation. The margin between the SVG and the drawing area. API reference docs for the React ChartsClipPath component. 1 The chart will try to wait for the parent container to resolve its size before it renders for the first time. API reference docs for the React LineHighlightElement component. Documentation for the Next. The Premium version is available under a commercial license—visit the Pricing page ChartsOnAxisClickHandler API. The Pro plan, annual license, can be purchased on this page. 開始使用 MUI X 圖表元件。安裝套件、設定您的應用程式,然後開始使用這些元件。 安裝. axisId: number | string: The first axis item. Accepts a number to be used on all sides or an object with the optional properties: top , bottom , left , and right . If not defined, it takes the height of the parent element. So to license the Pro plan for 50 developers you would purchase 10 licenses. API reference docs for the React ChartsAxisHighlight component. Our licensing model also requires developers indirectly using MUI X Pro or Premium (e. Purchasing a license gives you access to: 1 year of free updates; 6 months of technical When purchasing a MUI X Pro or Premium license you get access to technical support until the end of your active license. The Pro version of MUI X expands on the features of the free version with more advanced capabilities such as multi-filtering, multi-sorting, column resizing and column pinning for the data grid; as well as the date range picker component. Oct 4, 2024. direction 'column' | 'row'-The direction of the legend layout. The default depends on the chart. Especially if you already have a use case for this component, or if you're facing a pain point with your current solution. The <SparkLineChart /> requires only the data props which is an array of numbers. The series data is an array of 3-tuples. 'linear' is the default behavior. With line, it shows a point. They can also have a label property. 名称 类型 默认值 描述; experimentalRendering: bool: false: 如果为 true,则标记元素将只能呈现圆形。提供较少的自定义选项,但每个 1,000 个标记可节省约 40 毫秒。 Edit the code to make changes and see it instantly in the preview Explore this online mui/mui-x: x-charts sandbox and experiment with it yourself using our interactive online playground. A sparkline is a small chart drawn without axes or coordinates, that presents the general shape of a variation in a simplified way. You can customize bar ticks with the xAxis. If not provided, the container supports line, bar, scatter and pie charts. The order of stacked data matters for the reading of charts. The evolution of the series at the bottom is the easiest to read since its baseline is 0. js for data manipulation and SVGs for rendering. The 2 first numbers are respectively the x and y indexes of the cell. MUI X is a collection of advanced UI components for complex use cases. Those objects should contain a property value. @mui/x-data-grid-pro; @mui/x-date-pickers-pro; @mui/x-charts-pro; @mui/x-tree-view-pro; Premium plan . Updates and Support. 用於為額外資訊(例如 x 軸和 y 軸或圖例)保留一些空間。 接受一個物件,其中包含可選屬性: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange Accessibility. React ChartsYAxis 组件的 API 参考文档。了解此导出模块的 props、CSS 和其他 API。 演示 MUI X Charts. The height of the chart in px. API reference docs for the React LineElement component. Install the necessary packages to start building with MUI X components. API reference docs for the React PieArc component. API reference docs for the React BarElement component. For examples and details on the usage of this React component, visit the component demo pages: Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size. 🚀 The @mui/x-charts-pro is released in alpha version 🧪. May 15, 2014 · The Pro plan edition of the Charts components (MUI X). Some of the features are MIT licensed, and some are not. Long-Term Support. slotProps: object {} 用于每个组件插槽的属性。 slots: object {} 可覆盖的组件插槽。 有关更多详细信息,请参见下面的 Slots API。 API reference docs for the React LineHighlightPlot component. This page groups demonstration using scatter charts. width * number-The width of the chart in px. For instance, with this property, if you don't control or initialize the filterModel and you did not apply any filter, the model won't be exported. Charts - Sparkline. 1, last published: 11 days ago. Axis data API reference docs for the React AreaElement component. Install the package, configure your application, and start using the components. It can be used to emphasize a specific data point or series, or to fade out the rest of the chart. 使用您喜愛的套件管理器,安裝商業版本的 @mui/x-charts-pro,或免費社群版本的 @mui/x-charts。 The Funnel Chart component isn't available yet, but you can upvote this GitHub issue to see it arrive sooner. API reference docs for the React ChartsOnAxisClickHandler component. You can switch this property to true to only exports models that are either controlled, initialized or modified. Charts. This package is the Pro plan edition of the chart components. labelStyle: object-The style applied to the label. 它用於為額外資訊(例如 x 軸和 y 軸或圖例)保留一些空間。 接受具有可選屬性的物件: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange If an item is editable, the editing state can be toggled by double clicking on it, or by pressing Enter on the keyboard when the item is in focus. 名称 类型 默认值 描述; classes: 对象-覆盖或扩展应用于组件的样式。 有关更多详细信息,请参见下面的 CSS 类 API。. DefaultChartsLegend API. 名称 类型 默认值 描述; slotProps: 对象 {} 用于每个组件 slot 的 props。 slots: 对象 {} 可覆盖的组件 slot。 有关更多详细信息,请参见下面的 Slots API。 MUI X Charts have a flexible approach to axis management, supporting multiple-axis charts with any combination of scales and ranges. You can also modify the color by using axes colorMap which maps values to colors. resolveSizeBeforeRender: bool: false: 圖表將嘗試等待父容器解析其大小,然後再首次轉譯。 這在某些情況下很有用,在這些情況下,圖表在第一次轉譯後會出現增長,例如在網格內使用時。 'x' | 'y' | 'z' 'z' The axis direction containing the color configuration to represent. The Treemap component isn't available yet, but you can upvote this GitHub issue to see it arrive sooner. This component has the following peer dependencies that you will need to install as well. innerRadius: number | string '80%' Technical support: Pro and Premium users get access to technical support from our team as well as priority for bug fixes and feature requests. Support is available on multiple channels, but the recommended channels are: GitHub: You can open a new issue and leave your Order ID (or Support key), so we can prioritize accordingly. Charts - Bars. BarPlot API. Name Type Default Description; classes: object-Override or extend the styles applied to the component. through a wrapper library) to be licensed. This can be useful in some scenarios where the chart appear to grow after the first render, like when used inside a grid The chart will try to wait for the parent container to resolve its size before it renders for the first time. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module. Display mode for the cell: - 'text': For text-based cells (default) - 'flex': For cells with HTMLElement children The community edition of the Charts components (MUI X). g. Enables zooming and panning on specific charts or axis. 图表 - 入门. Pie charts express portions of a whole, using arcs or angles within a circle. React ChartsAxis 元件的 API 參考文件。了解此匯出模組的 props、CSS 和其他 API。 範例 用於為額外資訊(例如 x 軸和 y 軸或圖例)留出一些空間。 接受具有選用屬性的物件: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange Name Type Default Description; experimentalRendering: bool: false: If true the mark element will only be able to render circle. 0 · mui/mui-x We'd like to offer a big thanks to the 8 contributors who made this release possible. Install the package in your project directory with: npm install @mui/x-charts. Name Type Description; classes: *: object: Override or extend the styles applied to the component. Feb 10, 2022 · MUI X: Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more! - mui/mui-x API reference docs for the React BarLabel component. 0, last published: 6 days ago. 开始使用 MUI X 图表组件。安装软件包,配置您的应用程序,并开始使用这些组件。 安装. 它用于为额外的信信息(例如 x 轴和 y 轴或图例)留出空间。 接受一个带有可选属性的对象: top 、 bottom 、 left 和 right 。 onHighlightChange MUI X Pro expands on the Community version with more advanced features and functionality. Mostly used for line charts on categories. skipAnimation: bool: false: 如果为 true,则跳过动画。. Mar 22, 2024 · For a complete overview, please visit the MUI X roadmap. This can be useful in some scenarios where the chart appear to grow after the first render, like when used inside a grid. There are 94 other projects in the npm registry using @mui/x-charts. 使用全局类名。; 使用规则名称作为自定义主题中组件的styleOverrides 属性的一部分。 Mostly used for bar charts. And, like other MUI X components, charts are production-ready components that integrate smoothly into your app. As with other charts, you can modify the series color either directly, or with the color palette. direction 'column' Charts - Heatmap . 圖表 - 入門. It's used for leaving some space for extra information such as the x- and y-axis or legend. MUI X packages are available through the free MIT-licensed Community plan, or the commercially-licensed Pro and Premium plans. MUI X is a suite of advanced React UI components for a wide range of complex use cases. height: number-The height of the chart in px. API reference docs for the React AreaPlot component. pnrjs vkyxpk cthg jzxelw acckike cvqswmri ckc wfustbjm owfvw xbrmdt pigrslh mxmob vmb fhycckl sbuf